
Hello! I am a Cybersecurity Professional with experience in application security ranging from penetration testing to threat modeling and secure software development. Thank you for visiting.

C:\Users\SR> name.exe
  Sathya Ramanathan

C:\Users\SR> college.exe
  Oregon State University

C:\Users\SR> major.exe
  Computer Science

C:\Users\SR> languages.exe
  Python, JavaScript, Bash, C++, Java, SQL, PowerShell, C#, PHP, HTML, CSS

C:\Users\SR> cybersecurity.exe
  Penetration Testing, Secure Software Development, Cloud Security

C:\Users\SR> hobbies.exe
  Football, Chess, Video Games, Model Airplanes

C:\Users\SR> projects.exe
  Google Authenticator
  Secure User Web-App
  Beaver Chat
  Ecological Footprint App
